Forager Wiki
Forager Wiki

Materials are items used in crafting or in completing quests.

Raw Materials[]

Name Coin
Ingredients Skill Station/Source

Bone Bone
Coin small 4
Dropped by Skeleton, Dig Spots
Used in crafting: Liquid Luck Liquid Luck x5

Skull Wallet Skull Wallet x30 Great Skull Great Skull x6

Skull Sigil Skull Sigil x500
Used in quests: Goblin's Quest (100)
Cinderbloom Cinderbloom
Coin small 8
Cinderbloom Plant, Druid Sword
Used in crafting: Steel Steel x2 Dragon Philtre Dragon Philtre x5 Druid Scroll Druid Scroll x5 Hellfire Glyphs Hellfire Glyphs x15 Royal Shovel Royal Shovel x5 Demon Gloves Demon Gloves x15 Demon Boots Demon Boots x30
Needed in bundles: Foraging
Coal Coal
Coin small 2
Coal Deposit, Dig Spot, Crafted at Furnace, Flower Press
Used in crafting: Brick Brick x1 Iron Ingot Iron Ingot x1 Gold Ingot Gold Ingot x1 Steel Steel x2 Glass Glass x2 Plastic Plastic x20 Royal Steel Royal Steel x4 Transmutation Transmutation x20 Bread Bread x1 Cooked Fish Cooked Fish x1 Cooked Meat Cooked Meat x1 Bomb Bomb x4 Black Dye Black Dye x1 Torch Torch x2, Brazier, Cookpot
Needed in bundles: Mining
Crystal Crystal
Coin small 5
Crystal, Crafted at Flower Press
Used in crafting: Electronics Electronics x5 Thunderstrike Thunderstrike x5 Miner Scroll Miner Scroll x5 Crystal Pickaxe Crystal Pickaxe x10 Crystal Sword Crystal Sword x10 Crystal Bow Crystal Bow x50 Crystal Boots Crystal Boots x20 Crystal Gloves Crystal Gloves x30 Crystal Wallet Crystal Wallet x30, Shrine
Needed in bundles: Mining
Demon Horn Demon Horn
Coin small 9
Demon, Flaming Skull
Used in crafting: Demon Scroll Demon Scroll x5 Demon Pickaxe Demon Pickaxe x20 Demon Sword Demon Sword x30 Demon Wallet Demon Wallet x30 Demon Bow Demon Bow x20 Demon Gloves Demon Gloves x30
Used in quests: Friendly Ghost (2)
Fiber Fiber
Coin small 1
Sheep, Cotton Plant
Used in crafting: Thread Thread x2 Iron Ore Iron Ore x2 Cotton Seeds Cotton Seeds x3 Bed Bed x10, Sewing Station
Needed in bundles: Foraging & Farming
Flower Flower
Coin small 1
Used in crafting: Iron Ore Iron Ore x2 Gold Ore Gold Ore x2 Coal Coal x2 Crystal Crystal x2 Sand Sand x2 Paper Paper x4 Animal Feed Animal Feed x4 Healing Potion Healing Potion x10 Ana's Delight Ana's Delight x5 Slime Gloves Slime Gloves x15 Moldy Book Moldy Book x10 Small Backpack Small Backpack x10 Flower Pot Flower Pot x1, Cauldron, Flower Press
Used in quests: Desert Princess' Quest (40)
Needed in bundles: Foraging
Golden Egg Golden Egg
Coin small 300
Used in crafting: Demon Wallet Demon Wallet x1
Used in quests: Old Man's Quest (1)
Needed in bundles: Farming
Gold Ore Gold Ore
Coin small 2
Gold Deposit, Crafted at Flower Press
Used in crafting: Gold Ingot Gold Ingot x2 Yellow Dye Yellow Dye x1
Needed in bundles: Mining
Hide Hide
Coin small 2
Boar, Cow, Sheep, Magic Stag
Used in crafting: Leather Leather x2
Iron Ore Iron Ore
Coin small 1
Iron Deposit, Crafted at Flower Press
Used in crafting: Iron Ingot Iron Ingot x2 Blue Dye Blue Dye x1
Needed in bundles: Mining
Jelly Jelly
Coin small 2
Used in crafting: Green Pigment Green Pigment x5 Bomb Bomb x2 Animal Feed Animal Feed x4 Lime Dye Lime Dye x1 Slime Pickaxe Slime Pickaxe x20 Slime Sword Slime Sword x20 Slime Bow Slime Bow x25 Slime Boots Slime Boots x20 Slime Gloves Slime Gloves x30 Slimy Tome Slimy Tome x10 Slime Floor Slime Floor x4 Slime Gate Slime Gate x12 Slime Wall Slime Wall x8 Slime Sigil Slime Sigil x500
Lavender Lavender
Coin small 5
Lavender, Druid Sword
Used in crafting: Steel Steel x2 Purple Pigment Purple Pigment x5 Mandragora Mandragora x5 Crystal Gloves Crystal Gloves x15 Glacial Scriptures Glacial Scriptures x15 Nomad's Shovel Nomad's Shovel x5
Needed in bundles: Foraging
Legendary Gem Legendary Gem
Coin small 200
Dropped by Sigil Bosses
  • Can be purchased from Traveling Merchant
Used in crafting: Cosmic Steel Cosmic Steel x2 Cosmic Sword Cosmic Sword x15 Void Wallet Void Wallet x2 Cosmic Wallet Cosmic Wallet x5 Cosmic Gloves Cosmic Gloves x5 Cosmic Amulet Cosmic Amulet x5
Nightshade Nightshade
Coin small 4
Nightshade, Druid Sword
Used in crafting: Coal Coal x2 Purple Pigment Purple Pigment x5 Purple Dye Purple Dye x1 Liquid Luck Liquid Luck x5 Greedy Mixture Greedy Mixture x5 Crystal Boots Crystal Boots x20 Skull Gloves Skull Gloves x15 Necronomicon Necronomicon x15 Water Shovel Water Shovel x5
Needed in bundles: Foraging
Obsidian Obsidian
Coin small 8
Obsidian Deposit
Used in crafting: Electronics Electronics x5 Locomotive Locomotive x5 Star Scroll Star Scroll x10 Demon Bow Demon Bow x20 Demon Boots Demon Boots x30
Poop Poop
Coin small 2
Used in crafting: Animal Feed Animal Feed x4 Landfill Landfill x2
Used in quests: Foxmage's Quest (500)
Sand Sand
Coin small 1
Fish Trap, Dig Spot, Crafted at Flower Press
Used in crafting: Crystal Crystal x2 Glass Glass x2 Landfill Landfill x2
Star Fragment Star Fragment
Coin small 50
Starfalls randomly occur during night
Used in crafting: Cosmic Steel Cosmic Steel x2 Animal Lure Animal Lure x1 Void Portal Void Portal x1 Crystal Wallet Crystal Wallet x1 Spirit Orb Spirit Orb x5 Meteor Rod Meteor Rod x10 Storm Rod Storm Rod x10 Blizzard Rod Blizzard Rod x10 Death Rod Death Rod x10 Cosmic Bow Cosmic Bow x5 Cosmic Boots Cosmic Boots x5 Slime Sigil Slime Sigil x10 Skull Sigil Skull Sigil x10 Beet Sigil Beet Sigil x10
Stone Stone
Coin small 1
Rock, Gravestones
Used in crafting: Sand Sand x2 Brick Brick x2, Arrow Arrow x1 Gray Dye Gray Dye x1 Stone Floor Stone Floor x2 Stone Gate Stone Gate x6 Stone Wall Stone Wall x4, Furnace, Masonry Table
Needed in bundles: Mining
Voidstone Voidstone
Coin small 12
Drops from Voidstone Rocks in the Void
Used in crafting: Void Steel Void Steel x5 Void Bow Void Bow x20 Void Boots Void Boots x30 Void Wallet Void Wallet x15
Void Rose Void Rose
Coin small 12
Used in crafting: Robotic Shovel Robotic Shovel x5 Void Guide Void Guide x30 Void Gloves Void Gloves x15 Void Boots Void Boots x30
Wheat Wheat
Coin small 1
Used in crafting: Gold Ore Gold Ore x2 Flour Flour x4 Healing Potion Healing Potion x10 Wheat Seeds Wheat Seeds x3 Golden Gloves Golden Gloves x15
Needed in bundles: Farming
Wood Wood
Coin small 1
Uranium Uranium
Coin small 50
Drops from Uranium Ore in the Void, Void chest
Used in crafting: Nuclear Pickaxe Nuclear Pickaxe x50 Nuclear Codex Nuclear Codex x100 Nuclear Fuel Cell Nuclear Fuel Cell x10 Toxic Sigil Toxic Sigil x50
Toxic Sludge Toxic Sludge
Coin small 80
Drops from Toxic Guardian, Void chest
Used in crafting: Nuclear Sword Nuclear Sword x30 Nuclear Wallet Nuclear Wallet x20 Nuclear Gloves Nuclear Gloves x20 Nuclear Fuel Cell Nuclear Fuel Cell x10
Onyx Relic Onyx Relic
Coin small 400
Void chest, Dig spots in Void
Used in crafting: Nuclear Machinery Nuclear Machinery x1

Craftable Materials[]

Name Coin
Ingredients Skill Station/Source

Arrow Arrow
Coin small 2
Wood Wood x1

Stone Stone x1

Forge, Dig Spots
Bomb Bomb
Coin small 36
Steel Steel x1

Jelly Jelly x2
Coal Coal x4

Bottle Bottle
Coin small 14
Glass Glass x2

Thread Thread x1

Used in crafting: Bottled Oil Bottled Oil x1, Dye
Brick Brick
Coin small 4
Stone Stone x2

Coal Coal x1

Used in crafting: Golden Bow Golden Bow x25 Golden Boots Golden Boots x20 Brick Floor Brick Floor x4 Brick Gate Brick Gate x12 Brick Wall Brick Wall x8 , Several Structures
Needed in bundles: Building
Coin Coin
Coin small 1
Gold Ingot Gold Ingot x1 Forge, Small Chest, Magic Stag
Used in quests: Fairy Queen Quest(1 000)
Cosmic Steel Cosmic Steel
Coin small 2976
Void Steel Void Steel x2

Legendary Gem Legendary Gem x2
Star Fragment Star Fragment x2

Spirit Forge
Used in crafting: Nuclear Machinery Nuclear Machinery x1 Obliterator Obliterator x20 Cosmic Pickaxe Cosmic Pickaxe x10 Cosmic Sword Cosmic Sword x15 Cosmic Bow Cosmic Bow x15 Cosmic Wallet Cosmic Wallet x5 Cosmic Gloves Cosmic Gloves x10 Cosmic Boots Cosmic Boots x5 Magnum Opus Magnum Opus x5 Cosmic Amulet Cosmic Amulet x10 Cosmic Floor Cosmic Floor x1 Cosmic Gate Cosmic Gate x3 Cosmic Wall Cosmic Wall x2 Beet Sigil Beet Sigil x2
Electronics Electronics
Coin small 529
Crystal Crystal x5

Obsidian Obsidian x5
Royal Steel Royal Steel x2

Used in crafting: Void Steel Void Steel x2 EMP Grenade EMP Grenade x1 Droid Droid x2 Void Portal Void Portal x1 Demon Pickaxe Demon Pickaxe x10 Demon Sword Demon Sword x10 Demon Amulet Demon Amulet x15 Robotic Shovel Robotic Shovel x10 Demon Bow Demon Bow x20 Electronic Floor Electronic Floor x1 Electronic Gate Electronic Gate x3 Electronic Wall Electronic Wall x2 Slime Sigil Slime Sigil x2, Mining Rod, Power Plant
Needed in bundles: Building
EMP Grenade EMP Grenade
Coin small 565
Bomb Bomb x1

Electronics Electronics x1

Used in crafting: Atomic Bomb Atomic Bomb x1
Fiberglass Fiberglass
Coin small 598
Glass Glass x5

Plastic Plastic x2

Used in crafting: Droid Droid x2 Void Portal Void Portal x1 Tycoon Backpack Tycoon Backpack x5 Obliterator Obliterator x20 Void Wallet Void Wallet x15 Cosmic Wallet Cosmic Wallet x10 Demon Gloves Demon Gloves x15 Void Gloves Void Gloves x15 Cosmic Gloves Cosmic Gloves x15 Demon Boots Demon Boots x10 Void Boots Void Boots x15 Cosmic Boots Cosmic Boots x10 Void Guide Void Guide x15 Magnum Opus Magnum Opus x15
Needed in bundles: Building
Flour Flour
Coin small 5
Wheat Wheat x4 Windmill
Used in crafting: Bread Bread x1 Cookie Cookie x1
Glass Glass
Coin small 6
Sand Sand x2

Coal Coal x2

Used in crafting: Fiberglass Fiberglass x5 Bottle Bottle x2 Builder Scroll Builder Scroll x5 Skull Bow Skull Bow x20 Golden Boots Golden Boots x20 Skull Boots Skull Boots x20 Golden Gloves Golden Gloves x30 Slimy Tome Slimy Tome x30 Golden Wallet Golden Wallet x20 Display Case Display Case x10 Glass Floor Glass Floor x4 Glass Gate Glass Gate x12 Glass Wall Glass Wall x8, Power Plant, Factory, Lighthouse
Needed in bundles: Building
Gold Ingot Gold Ingot
Coin small 6
Gold Ore Gold Ore x2

Coal Coal x1

Used in crafting: Steel Steel x2 Key Key x2 Coin Coin x1 Golden Pickaxe Golden Pickaxe x25 Golden Sword Golden Sword x20 Golden Bow Golden Bow x25 Golden Amulet Golden Amulet x25 Golden Boots Golden Boots x15 Golden Gloves Golden Gloves x20 Slime Wallet Slime Wallet x10, Bank
Great Skull Great Skull
Coin small 24
Bone Bone x6 Dropped by Skeleton Warrior, Crafted at Spirit Forge
Used in crafting: Void Steel Void Steel x5 Spike Trap Spike Trap x1 Skull Pickaxe Skull Pickaxe x5 Skull Sword Skull Sword x5 Skull Bow Skull Bow x10 Skull Boots Skull Boots x20 Skull Gloves Skull Gloves x30
Green Pigment Green Pigment
Coin small 25
Cactus Fruit Cactus Fruit x5

Seaweed Seaweed x5
Jelly Jelly x5

Inscription Table
Used in crafting: Sage Scroll Sage Scroll x1 Builder Scroll Builder Scroll x1 Druid Scroll Druid Scroll x1
Iron Ingot Iron Ingot
Coin small 4
Iron Ore Iron Ore x2

Coal Coal x1

Used in crafting: Steel Steel x2 Key Key x4 Slime Pickaxe Slime Pickaxe x15 Golden Pickaxe Golden Pickaxe x20 File:Basic Shovel.png Basic Shovel x20 Slime Sword Slime Sword x20 Slime Bow Slime Bow x15 Slime Amulet Slime Amulet x15 Water Shovel Water Shovel x30 Hammer Hammer x10 Iron Floor Iron Floor x2 Iron Gate Iron Gate x6 Iron Wall Iron Wall x4, Forge, Sprinkler, Cauldron
Key Key
Coin small 28
Iron Ingot Iron Ingot x4

Gold Ingot Gold Ingot x2

Effect: Opens a Big Chest
Used in crafting: Repair Kit Repair Kit x1
Landfill Landfill
Coin small 6
Sand Sand x2

Poop Poop x2

Flower Press
Effect: Covers one water tile with ground. Can only be destroyed with Obliterator Obliterator 
Leather Leather
Coin small 8
Hide Hide x2

Thread Thread x2

Sewing Station
Used in crafting: Royal Clothing Royal Clothing x2 Greedy Mixture Greedy Mixture x5 Golden Sword Golden Sword x10 Skull Boots Skull Boots x20 Skull Gloves Skull Gloves x20 Necronomicon Necronomicon x30 Medium Backpack Medium Backpack x20 Skull Wallet Skull Wallet x20 Training Dummy Training Dummy x10, Market
Needed in bundles: Building
Locomotive Locomotive
Coin small 272
Royal Steel Royal Steel x1

Obsidian Obsidian x5

Effect: Travels on placed Railroad Railroad  until the player leaves it.
Paper Paper
Coin small 8
Wood Wood x4

Flower Flower x4

Inscription Table
Used in crafting: Sage Scroll Sage Scroll x5 Builder Scroll Builder Scroll x5 Druid Scroll Druid Scroll x5 Wizard Scroll Wizard Scroll x5 Miner Scroll Miner Scroll x5 Demon Scroll Demon Scroll x5 Star Scroll Star Scroll x5 Wisdom Draught Wisdom Draught x5 Moldy Book Moldy Book x5 Slimy Tome Slimy Tome x5 Necronomicon Necronomicon x10 Void Guide Void Guide x40 Magnum Opus Magnum Opus x50
Plastic Plastic
Coin small 284
Royal Clothing Royal Clothing x1

Bottled Oil Bottled Oil x1
Coal Coal x20

Used in crafting: Fiberglass Fiberglass x2 Hellfire Glyphs Hellfire Glyphs x15 Huge Backpack Huge Backpack x5 Demon Wallet Demon Wallet x15 Robotic Shovel Robotic Shovel x5 Plastic Floor Plastic Floor x1 Plastic Gate Plastic Gate x3 Plastic Wall Plastic Wall x2
Needed in bundles: Building
Purple Pigment Purple Pigment
Coin small 55
Beet Beet x5

Nightshade Nightshade x5
Lavender Lavender x5

Inscription Table
Used in crafting: Dye Remover Dye Remover x1 Wizard Scroll Wizard Scroll x5 Miner Scroll Miner Scroll x1 Demon Scroll Demon Scroll x1 Star Scroll Star Scroll x1 Spirit Orb Spirit Orb x5, Dye
Railroad Railroad
Coin small 29
Steel Steel x1

Wood Wood x5

Effect: Make a path for the Locomotive Locomotive  to ride on! May not be placed on Bridges or Floors.
Repair Kit Repair Kit
Coin small 52
Steel Steel x1

Key Key x1

Effect: Fully repairs all Structures currently on the screen!
Royal Clothing Royal Clothing
Coin small 224
Leather Leather x2

Ruby Ruby x1
Emerald Emerald x1
Topaz Topaz x1
Amethyst Amethyst x1
Thread Thread x4

Sewing Station
Used in crafting: Plastic Plastic x1 Crystal Boots Crystal Boots x10 Crystal Gloves Crystal Gloves x15 Glacial Scriptures Glacial Scriptures x15 Big Backpack Big Backpack x5 Crystal Wallet Crystal Wallet x15
Royal Steel Royal Steel
Coin small 232
Steel Steel x1

Ruby Ruby x1
Emerald Emerald x1
Topaz Topaz x1
Amethyst Amethyst x1
Coal Coal x4

Spike Trap Spike Trap
Coin small 72
Steel Steel x2

Great Skull Great Skull x1

Effect: Damages nearby entities, including Monsters, Animals and the player! Extends when entities are nearby. Does not deal damage when not extended!
Spirit Orb Spirit Orb
Coin small 615
Star Fragment Star Fragment x5

Purple Pigment Purple Pigment x5
Bottled Fairy Bottled Fairy x5

Spirit Forge
Effect: Provides the choice of increasing life, increasing energy, increasing damage or giving a level up
Steel Steel
Coin small 24
Iron Ingot Iron Ingot x2

Gold Ingot Gold Ingot x2
Coal Coal x2

Used in crafting: Royal Steel Royal Steel x1 Transmutation Transmutation x1 Bomb Bomb x1 Repair Kit Repair Kit x1 Spike Trap Spike Trap x2 Railroad Railroad x1 Dragon Philtre Dragon Philtre x1 Skull Pickaxe Skull Pickaxe x15 Skull Sword Skull Sword x15 Skull Bow Skull Bow x20 Skull Amulet Skull Amulet x25 Nomad's Shovel Nomad's Shovel x20 Fishing Rod Fishing Rod x5 Steel Floor Steel Floor x2 Steel Gate Steel Gate x6 Steel Wall Steel Wall x4, Flower Press, Vault, Bank, Lighthouse, Shrine, Spirit Forge
Needed in bundles: Building
Sugar Sugar
Coin small 6
Beet Beet x3 Mill
Used in crafting: Cookie Cookie x1 Ice Cream Ice Cream x1 Ana's Delight Ana's Delight x5
Thread Thread
Coin small 2
Fiber Fiber x2 Sewing Station
Used in crafting: Leather Leather x2 Royal Clothing Royal Clothing x4 Bottle Bottle x1 Golden Bow Golden Bow x25 Slime Boots Slime Boots x20 Slime Gloves Slime Gloves x30 Moldy Book Moldy Book x30 Small Backpack Small Backpack x10 Slime Wallet Slime Wallet x30 Fishing Rod Fishing Rod x10 Signpost Signpost x5, Windmill
Void Portal Void Portal
Coin small 1177
Electronics Electronics x1

Fiberglass Fiberglass x1
Star Fragment Star Fragment x1

Sigil Maker
Effect: Interacting with a placed Void Portal Void Portal  will transport the player to the Void Biome
Void Steel Void Steel
Coin small 1238
Electronics Electronics x2

Voidstone Voidstone x5
Great Skull Great Skull x5

Spirit Forge
Used in crafting: Cosmic Steel Cosmic Steel x2 Void Pickaxe Void Pickaxe x10 Void Sword Void Sword x15 Void Bow Void Bow x20 Void Amulet Void Amulet x10 Void Floor Void Floor x1 Void Wall Void Wall x2 Void Gate Void Gate x3 Skull Sigil Skull Sigil x2
Used in quests: Wizard's Staff 3(10)
Nuclear Fuel Cell Nuclear Fuel Cell
Coin small 1300
Uranium Uranium x10

Toxic Sludge Toxic Sludge x10

Effect: Used to power nuclear structures!
Used in crafting: Nuclear Amulet Nuclear Amulet x5 Nuclear Machinery Nuclear Machinery x1 Atomic Bomb Atomic Bomb x1
Nuclear Machinery Nuclear Machinery
Coin small 4676
Cosmic Steel Cosmic Steel x1

Nuclear Fuel Cell Nuclear Fuel Cell x1
Onyx Relic Onyx Relic x1

Effect: Use on structures to upgrade them!
Used in crafting: Nuclear Pickaxe Nuclear Pickaxe x10 Nuclear Sword Nuclear Sword x15 Nuclear Bow Nuclear Bow x15 Nuclear Wallet Nuclear Wallet x5 Nuclear Gloves Nuclear Gloves x5 Nuclear Boots Nuclear Boots x5 Nuclear Codex Nuclear Codex x5 Nuclear Amulet Nuclear Amulet x10
Atomic Bomb Atomic Bomb
Coin small 1865
EMP Grenade EMP Grenade x1

Nuclear Fuel Cell Nuclear Fuel Cell x1

Effect: Plug your ears and run away!


Sigils are crafted at the Sigil Maker and empower the player to summon special Bosses! Those Bosses are of increased difficulty, and may drop rare items as reward, such as the Legendary Gem Legendary Gem . Different to regular Bosses, the player only has 5 attempts to defeat it, before it will despawn without any reward.

Name Coin
Ingredients Skill Station/Source

Slime Sigil Slime Sigil
Coin small 2558
Star Fragment Star Fragment x10

Jelly Jelly x500
Electronics Electronics x2

Sigil Maker
Effect: Summons the Slime King
Skull Sigil Skull Sigil
Coin small 4976
Star Fragment Star Fragment x10

Bone Bone x500
Void Steel Void Steel x2

Sigil Maker
Effect: Summons the Skeleton King
Beet Sigil Beet Sigil
Coin small 7452
Star Fragment Star Fragment x10

Beet Beet x500
Cosmic Steel Cosmic Steel x2

Sigil Maker
Effect: Summons the Dark Beet
Toxic Sigil Toxic Sigil
Coin small 3000
Star Fragment Star Fragment x10

Uranium Uranium x50

Sigil Maker
Effect: Summons the Toxic Guardian


Gems are dropped randomly when mining and digging, but can also be found in chests. The Prospecting skill increases the odds of finding gems when mining. With a Crystal Pickaxe Crystal Pickaxe  , any resource may drop a gem.

The base chance of mining a gem is 1% for normal rocks, 2% for desert rocks, 4% for snow crystals and 5% for volcanic rocks.

Name Coin

Amethyst Amethyst
Coin small 50
Used in crafting: Royal Steel Royal Steel x1 Royal Clothing Royal Clothing x1 Liquid Luck Liquid Luck x1 Wisdom Draught Wisdom Draught x1 Skull Amulet Skull Amulet x2, Quarry
Needed in bundles: Mining
Emerald Emerald
Coin small 50
Used in crafting: Royal Steel Royal Steel x1 Royal Clothing Royal Clothing x1 Ana's Delight Ana's Delight x1 Mandragora Mandragora x1 Slime Amulet Slime Amulet x2, Quarry
Needed in bundles: Mining
Ruby Ruby
Coin small 50
Used in crafting: Royal Steel Royal Steel x1 Royal Clothing Royal Clothing x1 Bloodfury Cocktail Bloodfury Cocktail x1 Dragon Philtre Dragon Philtre x1 Throne Throne x5, Quarry
Needed in bundles: Mining
Topaz Topaz
Coin small 50
Used in crafting: Royal Steel Royal Steel x1 Royal Clothing Royal Clothing x1 Thunderstrike Thunderstrike x1 Greedy Mixture Greedy Mixture x1 Golden Amulet Golden Amulet x2 Golden Wallet Golden Wallet x5, Quarry
Needed in bundles: Mining


To bottle a critter, one simply needs to have a Bottle Bottle

in hand and use it on the critter they want to capture. 

Beetles only spawn in the Desert Biome, but may wander into nearby biomes. Torchbugs only spawn at night and disappear in the morning. Deathmoths only spawn in the Fire Biome. Butterflies only spawn in the Winter Biome. Fairies only spawn in the Grass Biome.

Holding right-click to delete the bottled item will empty the bottle if the Capitalism skill has not been learned, otherwise the bottled item will be sold.

Name Coin

Bottled Beetle Bottled Beetle
Coin small 17
Used in crafting: Liquid Luck Liquid Luck x1, Wisdom Draught Wisdom Draught x1, Golden Pickaxe Golden Pickaxe x5, Big Backpack Big Backpack x5
Needed in bundles: Trapping
Bottled Butterfly Bottled Butterfly
Coin small 20
Used in crafting: Ana's Delight Ana's Delight x1 Mandragora Mandragora x1 Crystal Pickaxe Crystal Pickaxe x5 Huge Backpack Huge Backpack x5
Needed in bundles: Trapping
Bottled Deathmoth Bottled Deathmoth
Coin small 23
Used in crafting: Bloodfury Cocktail Bloodfury Cocktail x1 Dragon Philtre Dragon Philtre x1 Wizard Scroll Wizard Scroll x5 Demon Pickaxe Demon Pickaxe x5 Tycoon Backpack Tycoon Backpack x5 Void Pickaxe Void Pickaxe x5 Cosmic Pickaxe Cosmic Pickaxe x5
Needed in bundles: Trapping
Bottled Fairy Bottled Fairy
Coin small 18
Effect: Recovers 3 Health and 90 Energy. Will fly away and heal you the moment you lose your last heart. Gives XP when using it.
Used in crafting: Sage Scroll Sage Scroll x1, Spirit Orb Spirit Orb x5, Fairy Statue Fairy Statue x5
Needed in bundles: Trapping
Bottled Rainbow Bottled Rainbow
Coin small 15
Effect: Gives things a rainbow overlay.
Bottled Torchbug Bottled Torchbug
Coin small 16
Used in crafting: Healing Potion Healing Potion x1 Thunderstrike Thunderstrike x1 Greedy Mixture Greedy Mixture x1 Slime Pickaxe Slime Pickaxe x4 Skull Pickaxe Skull Pickaxe x5 Medium Backpack Medium Backpack x5
Used in quests: Druid's Treehouse 1 (2)
Needed in bundles: Trapping
Bottled Oil Bottled Oil
Coin small 20
Used in crafting: Plastic Plastic x1
Bottled Water Bottled Water
Coin small 14
Effect: Can put out fires, Hydrates land
Used in crafting: Dye Remover Dye Remover x1, Water Shovel Water Shovel x1
